Advantages of Cloud Computing for Businesses
An Intel Security report published earlier this year showed that 93% of the over 2,000 cloud security professionals surveyed stated they were using some type of cloud service in their organization. Executives across all industries, sizes and geographic locations are recognizing there are many advantages of cloud computing for businesses.
Five Biggest Benefits of Moving to the Cloud
If your organization hasn’t yet tapped into the power of the cloud, here are five benefits of cloud computing for businesses that are worth considering.
Boosts Cost Efficiency
Cloud computing reduces or eliminates the need for businesses to purchase equipment and build out and operate data centers. This presents a significant savings on hardware, facilities, utilities and other expenses required from traditional computing. Also, reducing the need for on-site servers, software and staff can trim the IT budget further.
Provides Flexible Pay Options
Most cloud computing programs and applications – ranging from ERP and CRM to creativity and productivity suites – use a subscription-based model. This allows businesses to scale up or down according to their needs and budget. It also eliminates the need for major up-front capital expenditures, another of the many advantages of cloud computing for businesses.
Promotes Collaboration
Cloud-based workflow and file-sharing applications give dispersed teams of people the ability to work together more easily and effectively. Staff can make real-time updates and see what other team members are doing. This level of collaboration can speed up projects and improve customer service.
Increases Mobility
One of the advantages of cloud computing for businesses is how easily team members can work from anywhere. This is particularly valuable in an era when employees desire flexibility in their schedule and work environment. Businesses that operate on the cloud can provide staff with options to work on the go or from home, from their desktops, laptops, smart phones and tablets.
Aids Disaster Recovery
Hosting systems and storing documents on the cloud provide a smart safeguard in case of an emergency. Man-made and natural disasters can damage equipment, shut off power and incapacitate critical IT functions. Supporting disaster recovery efforts is one of the important advantages of cloud computing for companies.
Minimize Risks while Enjoying Advantages of Cloud Computing for Businesses
There are many advantages of cloud computing for businesses, but we offer a word of caution: because cloud-computing solutions are so easy and affordable, it’s vital that proper security and backup measures are in place to protect your data.
Whether you’ve already made the leap and just need to optimize your infrastructure or want to move to cloud solutions but aren’t sure where to start, Atlas Professional Services is here to help.
Our team develops the optimum balance between public, private and hybrid, plus makes sure everything integrates seamlessly with your on-premise environment. We’ll help you realize the many advantages of cloud computing for businesses – all while minimizing your risk.