Visibil-IT: How Atlas Bills Clients

May 29, 2024
Emerging Trends in IT Support Pricing hoto of budgeting paperwork

Managed IT Support Pricing: How it Works

Are you a business owner or manager in need of IT support? If so, you may have found yourself confused or frustrated by the various options available. Managed IT support pricing can be complex and difficult to understand. But, it doesn’t have to be.

In this post, we’ll share information about managed IT support pricing, offering knowledge and insights needed to make informed decisions for your business.

But first, hear what our Chief Financial Officer Adrian Swaim has to say about how we bill our clients here at Atlas Professional Services:

managed IT support pricing video explained by Atlas CFO Adrian Swaim screenshot

If you’re still curious about how other MSPs bill, let’s dive in and discover the key factors and considerations influencing managed IT support pricing.

Key Takeaways

  • Managed IT services pricing explained in simple terms
  • Key factors to consider when understanding managed IT services pricing
  • How managed IT services pricing can impact your business
  • The benefits of understanding and evaluating managed IT services pricing
  • Insight into the factors that influence managed IT services pricing

Understanding Managed IT Services Pricing

When it comes to managed IT services pricing, it is important to break down the complexities and understand the key factors at play.

In simple terms, managed IT services pricing refers to the cost that businesses pay to have their IT infrastructure managed and supported by a third-party provider. This cost can vary greatly depending on a variety of factors, including the:

  • Size and/or complexity of your business and IT environment
  • Level of service required
  • Specific offerings of the IT support provider

When trying to understand managed IT services pricing, there are a few key factors to consider.

Services Included

First and foremost, evaluate the specific services that are included in the pricing model.

Different providers offer different service offerings, ranging from basic troubleshooting and maintenance to advanced cybersecurity and cloud resources. Understanding the service spectrum is crucial in determining the value and cost of managed IT support.

Pricing Model

Another important factor to consider is the pricing model itself. There are several different pricing models commonly used in the industry, including per device, flat fee, tiered pricing, subscription models and hybrid models. Each pricing model has its own intricacies, and it is important to understand which one aligns best with your business needs and budget.

The impact of managed IT services pricing on your business cannot be overstated. Choosing the right pricing model and understanding the costs involved can have a significant impact on your overall expenses and revenue.

By investing in managed IT support, businesses can benefit from increased productivity, improved security and reduced downtime. However, it is important to evaluate the cost-benefit ratio and ensure that the pricing aligns with your business goals and objectives.

Factors Influencing Managed IT Support Costs

Insight into Managed IT Services Costs Photo of person budgeting on laptop

When it comes to managed IT support costs, there are several factors that can influence the overall expenses for a business. Understanding these factors is crucial in determining the cost-effectiveness and value of IT support services.

In this section, we will explore the key factors that influence managed IT support costs.

IT Complexity

One of the primary factors that determine managed IT support costs is the complexity of the technology infrastructure. Businesses with more complex infrastructure needs, such as a large network or extensive data storage requirements, may incur higher support costs. This could be due to the increased demand for technical assistance and cybersecurity measures. On the other hand, businesses with simpler infrastructure needs may be able to opt for more cost-effective support plans.

Business Size

The size of the business also plays a key role in determining managed IT support costs. Larger businesses with more employees and devices may require more comprehensive support services, resulting in higher costs. Conversely, smaller businesses with fewer employees and devices may be able to opt for more budget-friendly support options.


Customized solutions also play a role in determining managed IT support costs. Some businesses may require specific customizations or additional services, such as data backup or remote support (if these aren’t already included). Some MSPs may charge more for these solutions, depending on the complexity and resources required.


Finally, the expertise and qualifications of the IT support team can also influence the overall costs. Providers with highly skilled and experienced technicians may charge higher rates for their services, reflecting the added value and expertise that they bring to the table.

By understanding these factors and their impact on managed IT support costs, businesses can choose the right option to align with their needs and budget.

Different Pricing Models for Managed IT Support Services

When it comes to pricing models for managed IT support services, there are several options available for businesses to consider. Each pricing model has its nuances, and it is important to choose the one that aligns best with your business needs and budget. In this section, we will explore the different pricing models for managed IT support services.

Fixed Pricing Model

One of the most common pricing models for IT support is the fixed pricing model. With this model, businesses pay a flat fee for a predetermined set of services.

The advantages of a fixed pricing model include predictability and budgetary control, as businesses know exactly what they will be paying each month. However, the downside is that businesses may end up paying for services they don’t need, leading to higher overall costs.

Tiered Pricing Model

Another pricing model to consider is the tiered pricing model. This model offers different levels of support at different price points, allowing businesses to choose the level of service that best meets their needs.

The benefits of a tiered pricing model include flexibility and scalability, as businesses can upgrade or downgrade their support services as needed. However, it is important to carefully evaluate the cost-benefit ratio of each tier to ensure that you are getting the most value for your money.

Pay-As-You-Go Pricing Model

For businesses that have fluctuating support needs, the pay-as-you-go pricing model may be a suitable option. With this model, businesses only pay for the support services they actually use, making it a cost-effective option for businesses with unpredictable support requirements.

However, it is important to carefully monitor usage and ensure that costs do not exceed budgetary constraints.

Subscription Pricing Model

Subscription-based pricing models are also common in the managed IT support industry. With these models, businesses pay a recurring monthly or annual fee for unlimited access to support services.

The advantages of a subscription-based model include cost predictability and access to ongoing support. However, it is important to carefully evaluate the overall cost of the subscription and ensure that it aligns with your support needs and budget.

Hybrid Pricing Model

Finally, hybrid pricing models offer a combination of different pricing models to provide maximum flexibility and customization. For example, a hybrid model may include a fixed fee for basic support services, with additional services available at an additional cost. The benefits of hybrid pricing models include the ability to tailor the support services to your specific needs and budget.

Analyzing the True Cost of Managed IT Support

Cost Breakdown for Small Business IT Support photo of person budgeting on laptop and phoneWhen it comes to managed IT support, it is important to analyze the true cost beyond the initial pricing. While the upfront pricing may seem attractive, there could be hidden costs that can significantly impact your budget and overall expenses.

In this section, we will explore how to analyze the true cost of managed IT support and consider the various factors that can influence your overall expenses.

Additional Costs

One of the key aspects to consider when analyzing the true cost of managed IT support is the potential additional costs. While the initial pricing may cover basic services, there may be additional services or features that come at an extra cost.

For example, some MSPs may charge extra fees for data backup services, network infrastructure upgrades, or site support visits. Understanding these potential costs is crucial in determining the overall expenses and value of the managed IT support.

Included Service Time

The service time provided by the IT support team is another important factor to consider. In some cases, providers may limit the amount of support time allocated to each client, resulting in additional costs if more support is needed.

It is important to understand the service time allocations and consider whether they align with your support needs and business operations. Additional support time, if needed, may incur additional costs, so it is crucial to factor this into your analysis.

Quality of Team

The size and expertise of the managed IT support team can also impact the overall cost. Providers with larger teams and more expertise may charge higher rates for their services, reflecting the added value and quality of support.

While it may be tempting to opt for cheaper options, carefully evaluate the expertise and qualifications of the team to ensure you will receive reliable, high-quality support.

Long-Term Expenses

Also, consider long-term expenses when analyzing the true cost of managed IT support. While the upfront pricing may seem affordable, it is important to consider the long-term expenses associated with the support services.

For example, ongoing maintenance and updates, as well as potential upgrades or expansions, may increase the overall expenses over time. Evaluating these long-term expenses is crucial in determining the cost-effectiveness and value of the managed IT support.


Assessing your return on investment (ROI) is another crucial aspect of analyzing the true cost of managed IT support. Evaluate the benefits and value the support services bring to your business. Then, you can determine whether the overall cost is justified.

When assessing the ROI, consider factors such as increased productivity, improved security, reduced downtime and scalability.

By understanding the true cost and potential benefits, businesses can make informed decisions and choose the managed IT support option that offers the best value for their investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What factors determine the pricing of managed IT support services?

The pricing of managed IT support services is determined by various factors. These could include the level of service required, the number of devices being supported, the complexity of the IT infrastructure, and any additional services needed, such as cybersecurity or data backup.

Are there different pricing models available for managed IT support services?

Yes, there are different pricing models available for managed IT support services. Some providers offer a flat monthly fee for unlimited support. Meanwhile, others may charge based on the number of devices supported or the level of service required. It’s essential to choose a pricing model that aligns with your business needs and budget.

How can I ensure that I am getting value for my money with managed IT support services?

To ensure you are getting value for your spend with managed IT support services, it’s essential to evaluate the provider’s experience, reputation and track record. Additionally, you should clarify:

  • What services are included in the pricing
  • How quickly issues will be addressed
  • If there are any additional costs for emergency support or after-hours assistance

Are there any hidden costs associated with managed IT support services?

While reputable managed IT support providers are transparent about their pricing, it’s essential to clarify if there are any hidden costs associated with the services. Be sure to ask about any additional charges for services not included in the initial agreement. This could include things such as hardware upgrades, software licenses or on-site visits.

How can I find the right managed IT support provider that offers competitive pricing?

To find the right managed IT support provider that offers competitive pricing, it’s essential to research and compare multiple providers. Request quotes from different companies, read customer reviews and ask for referrals. Don’t solely focus on pricing. Consider the quality of service, reliability and the provider’s ability to meet your specific IT needs.

Take the time to evaluate your options thoroughly. Then, you can choose a provider that offers competitive pricing without compromising on quality.

Looking for a well-trained team of IT experts that offers full transparency when it comes to managed IT support pricing? Contact us today for more information.